Nursing Department

At Lusaka Trust Hospital we recognize the role of nurses as front liners and round the clock carers to our esteemed clients both seeking and receiving health care. The nursing cadre, which is selected on merit, is a mix of individuals specialized in different branches of nursing so as to be equal to the tasks of meeting individual needs in the preventive, curative and rehabilitative nursing care of our clients.

Operating Theatre

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-30 at 12.37.10 PM
  • Cholecystectomy
  • Appendecectomy
  • Banding
  • Dilatation
  • Polypectomy

Maternity Ward


Competency to manage both normal and complicated labour and deliveries such as:

  • caesarean section,
  • breech delivery,
  • vacuum delivery
  • multiple deliveries.

Ability to manage neonatal needs through usage of such equipment as:

  • Baby Resuscitaire
  • baby incubator
  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine

We provide appropriate support to first time parents through both scheduled and tailor made comprehensive information, education and communication {IEC) programmes.